How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning Networking Basics

Network Cabling



1.coxical cable

* Think cable

*Thick cable

2.Twisted pair cable

*STP (shild)


3.Fiber optical cable

* Index step

*Index gread

*singal mode fiber cable

* Multimode fiber optical cable

Ethernet              ->10 mbps

Fast ethernet         -> 100 mbps

Gigabit ethernet   ->1 gbps

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Hyper text transfer protocols

* http is used in the application layer protocols in the osi model.

* http is used to sending and reciving 

The massage over the world wide web(www)

* Port number is 80 

* http non secure 

* http does not support encryption and description

2.https(hyper text transfer protocol secure )

* https is the secure version ofnhttpsn

* port numper of is 443

* it support encryption and descrypition.

3.ssl (secure socket layer)

*modern name transport layer security 

* ssl prensantation layer protocol in the osi model 

* data are encrypt the ssl certificate

Comando csr

Version csr

3.ftp(file transfer protocol)

* ftp is used sending and reciving files

* Application layer protocol osi model

* port number 20 and 21

4.SMTP(simple mail tranfer protocol)

* It is application layer protocol in the osi model

* used to sending the mail over the interest.

* port number of smtp of is 25

5.pop(post office protocols)

*It is the application layer protocol that provides the and user that ability to fetch and retrive the mail 

* port number is 110

6.dns(domain name server)

*It is application later protocol in the osi model.

*It is usednto convert the human readable hostname. Into machime readable ip address.

7.dhcp(dynamic host configuration )

* dhcp client server protocol.

*dhcp dutomaticall generate the ip address ti computer 

* It is used Application layer protocol 

* port number is 67 and 68

8.Tcp(transmission control protocol )

* reliable it trasfer 

* connection oriented protocol

* packet are in order 

* flow control and error control

* slow transmition of data 

* heavy weight 

* It is the transport layer protocol in the osi model

9.udp(user datagram protocol)

*non reliable transfer protocol 

* connection less

* no flow control and no error control

*pack are not otder

10.arp (address resolution protocol)

*network layer protocol in the osi model

* It is used to convert the ip address into mac address

11.rarp(reverse address resolution protocol)

* It is usednby the host to discover the Ip address 

12.Icmp(internet control massage protocol )

*It is used network layer protocol

* icmp is used in the networking device like router

* icmp is the error reporting protocol that send the error massage to the secure ip address. (packet internet grouper)

* ping runs over the icmp 

* ping check the conectivity.


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