How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning Managing Group - MCSA

   “On this page you will find about the benefits of easily  Easy Learning Managing Group - MCSA. Managing Group - MCSA a major role in IT department and in the Computer professional . We will explain why easily Easy Learning Managing Group - MCSA  is important, how to Learning Managing Group – MCSA , and how to learn it if you're unfamiliar with Managing Group - MCSA. "

What is Managing Group - MCSA  and why is it important? 

Managing Group - MCSA  used in go for easy IT department.Therefore, in everyday learning , Managing Group – MCSA  is added to the life help the go to IT profesional job. On this page we have explained in detail in writing what is the solution to How to learning Easy Managing Group - MCSA.

 Why is Managing Group - MCSA  impotent?

 Do not worry if you have any doest not know to computer knowledge while getting job and go to IT field.It will be more effective if we use the tips mentioned. It will be more effective if we use the tips mentioned. The number of sizes to use in the notes is specifically given.

 Managing Group - MCSA  and Reminders:

You mentioned similar tips on another page about  Managing Group - MCSA.

 How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning  Managing Group - MCSA:  


    Managing Group

Lesson objectives:

* Describe group types

* Describe group scope

* implement group management

* default groups

* special identies

* manage groups windows server

Group Types:

-> Distribution groups

* only with email applications

* Net security- enabled cannot be given permissions

->security groups

* security principal can be given permission

* email-enabled

Group scope :


2.Domain Local



Members from groups

1. Domain user, Domain computer, global groups, universal groups local groups same domain Local user from the computer.

2. Du, Dc, Gg and ug, local groups same domain

3. Du, Dc and Gg same domain

4. Du, Dc, Gg, and ug

Permission to these groups:

1. Local computer resource only

2. Local domain resources

3. Any domain resource

4. Any domain

Converded to these groups:

1. N/A

2. Ug

3. Ug

4. Domain local groups, Global group

Group management :


->Global groups

->Domain local groups


Default Group :

Enterprise Aolmins - user container of the forest root domain

Shema Admins - user container of the forest root domain.

Administrator - Builtin cintainer of each domain.

Domain Admins - user container of each domain

Server operators - Built in container of each domain.

Account operators - Built in container

Backup operators - Build in container

Print operator - Build in container

Cert publishers - user container of each domain.

Special Identies :

-> group membership controlled operating system

->windows server operating system provide the access to resources.

-> Anonymouse logon - Intrr active

-> Authendication user -Network

->Everyone - creator owner.

Managing Group

-> create new group

->Add member group

->group type and scope change

->managed by the property

Create new group :

1. On LON- DCI, Active Directory Administrative center.

2.create new global security group IT ou called IT manager

Add Members:

->Add multiple user new group

Add a user to the group :

-> Add welcome to the IT manage group

Change group type and scope:

->change group scope to universal, and type to Distribute

Modify group

-> Add welcome to the managed, manager can update membership list permission.

Managing computer Account

-> Account logon name and password that windows server changes automatically on a periodic basis.

-> Authendicate domain

Administrative tasks:

-> configuring computer property

-> moving computer between oUS

-> managed to the computer itself.

-> Renaming, restarting, disabling, enabling, and delect object.

Computer object steps:

-> click - Right the ou, from New menu, click computer.

-> Type computer name

-> user or group is allowed to join computer to the domain this account.

Offline Domain join:

Create a domain join file:


Import the domain join file:

djoin. exe/requestODJ/LoadFile<filepath>/windowspath<path to the windows directory of the offline image>

Computer Account and secure chennals:

Computer have accounts :

-> samAccount Name and password

-> create secure change between computer and domain controller.

Scenarios secure channel can be broken:

-> Reinstalling computer, same name generates new SID and password.

-> Restoring computer old backup, and old snapshot.

-> computer and domain disagree about password.

Resetting secure channel:

Reset secure channel between domain member and domain :

-> Active Directory user and computers

-> Administrative center

-> dsmod commend -line tool

-> netdom commend -line tool

-> nltest commend -line tool

Active Directory user and computer :

-> Right-click computer, then click Reset Account.

-> click Yes confirm

-> Rejoining computer domain, then restart the computer.

Reset secure channel Active directory Administrative center.

-> Right-click computer, click Reset Account

-> click yes confirm

-> Rejoining computer domain, restart administory 

Managing user Accouts:

-> Active Directory Administrative center:

* Delete user account

* Insert user account

* move the uset account

*view history

Delete user account:

->sign in Adatum \Administrator with the password.

-> on active directory administory center

->welcome create manager ou, then delete the account

New create user account :

-> new user named welcome account is create with a string password.

Move the user account:

->welcome account to the IT ou.

-> Active directory Administrative center maximize.

Create a templete account:

-> open the Active Directory Administrator center.

->create a new account name welcome MCSA


* first name: welcome

* last name:MCSA

* user UPN login: welcome

* check : protect frim accidentd detection.

* Department:IT

* company : xxx

* city : London

* Descriotion: welcome MCSA users

* member of : IT create user from welcome MCSA

-> windowpower shell window create a welcome MCSA template by using the following commants.

$ welcome MCSA = Get - ADUser - Identity" - welcome " - properties department, company, city.

New -ADuser - Name " Dan park "- samaccount Name "Dan ' - path " ou =IT, Dc= Adatum, DC=com"-Accountpassword (convery To-securestrung-Asplainttext "pa$$ord force)-Given Name "Dan"- surname"parks -Display Name "Dan park"-Enabled$True-userprincipalName""-change password Atlogon$tree-Instance $welcome-MCSA

Verify user properties:

->Run command

Get-Aduser-Identity "Dan"-properties.

->output to verify properties copied from the template.

Managing Groups:

Lesson objectives:

* Describe group types

* Descripe group scopes

* implement group management

* default groups

* special identies.

* manage groups windows server

Group types:

->Distrubution groups

* only with email applications

* Net security- enabled cannot be given permissions.

->security groups:

* security principal can be given permission

* email -enabled

Group management:

-> Identities

-> Global groups

->Domain -local groups


Default Groups:

Enterprices Admins - user container of the forest root domain.

shema Admins - user container of the forest root domain

Administators-Built in cintainer of each dimain.

Domain Admains-user container ofneaxh dimain.

Account operators-Buit- in container

Backup operators -Buit in container

print operators - Built in container

Cery publisher- user container ofneach dimain.

Special Identities:

-> group membership controlled operating system.

-> windows server operating system to resources.

-> Anonymouse login -inter activity

-> Authendication user -Natwork

-> Everyone -creator owner

Managing Group:

-> create new group

-> Add member group

->Add user group

->group type and scope change

-> managed by the properties

Create new Group

1.on LON - Dcl, Active Directory Administrative center.

2.create new global security group IT ou called IT managers.

Add memmers:

-> Add multiple user new group

Add a user to the group:

-> Add welcome to the IT menager group

Change group type and scope:

-> change group scope ti universal, and type to Distribute.

Modify group:

-> Add welcome to the managed, manager cam update membership list permission.

Managing user Accounts

-> Active Directory Administrative center:

* Delete user accout

* Insert user accout

* move the user accout

* view History

Delete user Accout :

->sign in Adatum\Administrator with the password

->on Active Directory Administration center

->welcome locate manager OU, then delete the account.

New create user account:

->new user named welcome account is created with a strong password.

Move create user accout

-> welcome account to the IT ou.

View account :

->Active Directoty Administrative center maximize.

Automating Active Directory Domain service

Command-line Tools:

-> windows server 2012 include number of commend-line tools used.

-> organization script create and managed to object. Such user and groups. Using commend line. You can hunderstand this lesson how to used commend line and modifie script.

Lesson Objectives:

-> described Advantage of commend-line tools.

-> descript when use csvde command-line tools.

-> Descript how and when location used for Idifde.

What is Csvda?

Many program apps importing or exporting file to formate for (csv). Databases or spreadsheets programs makes useful Cscde. Only create new objects.

What is Ldifde?

AD DS object export, create, modify. Use in command-line tool Idifde. Idifda data stored in file. LDIF formate Export or import data cannot most app and program.


dsadd-> create AD DS Objects


dsquery-> modifies

dsrm-> Removes

dsmove-> moves

Powershell for AD DS Administration :

It is easier to used scripting launguage Microsoft basic scripting edition. Used cmdlets create, modify, remove user accouts, groups, comouter accounts, organizational units.

Cmdlets to manage user Accouts :

Powershell create, modify, delete user accouts.

Cmdlet                                       Description

New-AD user                              create

Set-AD user                                 modify

Remove-AD user                         Deletes

Set-AD password                     Reset password

Set- Expiration                          modifies

Unlock                                        incorrect login

Enable                                         Enables

Disable                                         Disables

Performing Bulk Operation with windows powershell

Awesome information about  Managing Group - MCSA was given above in this wonderful new blog of yours. It provided information on types, references, pictures, etc.
