How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning Network address translator (NAT) - CCNA

        How to know the benefits of easily  Easy Learning  Network address translator (NAT) - CCNA

“On this page you will find about the benefits of easily Easy Learning Network address translator (NAT). Network address translator (NAT)  a major role in IT department and in the Computer professional . We will explain why easily Easy Learning  Network address  translator (NAT) is important, how to Learning Network address translator (NAT), and how to learn it if you're unfamiliar with Network address translator (NAT). "

What is Network address translator (NAT) and why is it important? 

Network address translator (NAT) used in go for easy IT department.Therefore, in everyday learning , Network address translator (NAT) is added to the life help the go to IT profesional job.On this page we have explained in detail in writing what is the solution to How to learning Easy computer Hardware.


Why is Network address translator (NAT)  impotent?

 Do not worry if you have any doest not know to computer knowledge while getting job and go to IT field.It will be more effective if we use the tips mentioned. It will be more effective if we use the tips mentioned. The number of sizes to use in the notes is specifically given.

 Network address translator (NAT) and Reminders:

You mentioned similar tips on another page about  Network address translator (NAT).


How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning  Network address translator (NAT):      

 Network address translator

NAT is used to remapping one ip Address space into another ip address. Nat improves the security when private source private ip is changed to source public ip is called nat.


1.static nat
2.dynamic nat
3.oberload nat(pet)

Static nat:

One to one mapping allows only ip address from local to global.


Router(config)#ip nat inside source static <original ip><mapped ip>
Router(config)#interface fa 0/0
Router(config-if)#ip nat inside
Router(config-if)#interface se 2/0
Router(config-if)#ip nat outside

Dynamic nat:

Many to many mapping allows many unregistered ip address from the pool.

Syntex :

Router(config)#ip nat pool <name> netmask
Router(config)#access-list <num>permit any
Router(config)#ip nat inside source list <num>pool <name>

Router(config)#interface fa 0/0
Router(config-if)#ip nat inside
Router(config)#interface se 2/0
Router(config-if)#ip nat out side

Overload nat:

This is called pat [port address translator]

Many to one mapping allows many unregistered ip addresses into a single registered one. Ip address from the pool.

Syntex :

Router(config)#ip nat pool <name> network
Router(config)#access -list <num>petmit any
Router(config)#ip nat inside source list <num>pool <name overload>
Router(config)#interface fa0/0
Router(config)#ip nat inside
Router(config)#interface se 2/0
Router(config)#ip nat outside

Awesome information about  Network address translator (NAT) was given above in this wonderful new blog of yours. It provided information on types, references, pictures, etc.
