How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning open shortest path first (ospf)

  How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning  open shortest path first (ospf)

“On this page you will find about the benefits of easily Easy Learning open shortest path first (ospf). open shortest path first (ospf)  a major role in IT department and in the Computer professional . We will explain why easily Easy Learning  open shortest path first (ospf) is important, how to Learning open shortest path first (ospf) , and how to learn it if you're unfamiliar with Computer Hardware. "

What is open shortest path first (ospf)  and why is it important? 

open shortest path first (ospf) used in go for easy IT department. Therefore, in everyday learning , open shortest path first (ospf) is added to the life help the go to IT profesional  job. On this page we have explained in detail in writing what is the solution to How to learning Easy open shortest path first (ospf).

Why is open shortest path first (ospf) impotent?

Do not worry if you have any doest not know to computer knowledge while getting job and go to IT field.It will be more effective if we use the tips mentioned. It will be more effective if we use the tips mentioned. The number of sizes to use in the notes is specifically given.


open shortest path first (ospf) and Reminders:

You mentioned similar tips on another page about  open shortest path first (ospf).


How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning  open shortest path first (ospf):           

 Open shortest path first(OSPF)

->open shortest path first

->open standard protocol

->It is possible for large network

-> maximum hop count it is unlimited ad value is 110

-> It using the dijkstra or shortest path first (ospf) algorithem to select the loop formation

->It working with the help of link state routing protocol.

-> link is the interface state is the information that associated in that link.

->OSPF timer

1.hellow timer (10 sec)

2.dead interval [40 sec]

->OSPF packet

1.hello packet

2.Isa packet

3.Isu packet

4.Isdp packet

5.Isr packet

6.Isack packet

OSPF area:

1.area backbone

2.area off backbone area range 0 to 65535

area 0 is the backbone area off backbone is the Extension of area backbone.

Syntext of OSPF:

router(configure)#router ospf <process id>

router(configure-router)#network <network id><widcard mask area 0>

Wildcard mask:

Opposite number of dubnet mask

Class A ->>

Class B->>

Class C->>

Router(configure)#router ospf 1

Router(config-router)#network area 0

Router(config-router)#network area 0

Awesome information about  open shortest path first (ospf) was given above in this wonderful new blog of yours. It provided information on types, references, pictures, etc.
