How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning Role and feature Instalation - MCSA


“On this page you will find about the benefits of easily Easy Learning Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  . Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  were a major role in IT department and in the Computer professional . We will explain why easily Easy Learning  Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  is important, how to Learning Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  , and how to learn it if you're unfamiliar with Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  . "

What is Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  and why is it important? 

Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  used in go for easy IT department. Therefore, in everyday learning , computer Hardware is added to the life help the go to IT profesional job. On this page we have explained in detail in writing what is the solution to How to learning Easy Role and feature Instalation - MCSA .

 Why is Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  impotent?

 Do not worry if you have any doest not know to computer knowledge while getting job and go to IT field.It will be more effective if we use the tips mentioned. It will be more effective if we use the tips mentioned. The number of sizes to use in the notes is specifically given.

 Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  and Reminders:

You mentioned similar tips on another page about  Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  .

 How to know the benefits of easily Easy Learning  Role and feature Instalation - MCSA  :Roles and feature Installation 

Select Roles and feature 

Role based or features 

Active directary domain service 

Assign Ip address, computer name

Instal Domoin 

Promote instal

Add a new forest Root domain name 




Domain password

User create


Active directry user and computer


  • Ping server Ip Address
  • Computer name select workgroup name create
  • Domain name select
  • Welcome to the sony Domain
  • Restart
Work group - MCSA:

 Work group

All computer are peers no compter has control over another computer.

Each computer has a set of user accoounts, To use any computer in the workgroup, younmustnhave an account on that computer.

There are typically no more then ten to twenty computers.

All computers must be on the same local network or subject.


One or more computer are server Network administrators use server to control the security and permissions for all computer on the domain. This makes it easy to make chang because the chanqes are automatically. Made to all computer.

If you have a user accounts on the domain, you can log on to any computer on the domain. Without needing an account on that computer.

There can be hundreds or thousands of comouter.

The computer can be on different local network.

Remote Desktop services (RDS)-MCSA:

 Remote desktop is a program orban operating system feature that allows the user to connect to a computer in another location see thatbcomputer's desktop and internet with it it were local.

Remote desktop mode 

Administrative mode 

Default name Limited allows No of user 

Application mode

Manual mode

Unlimited mode


(Remote Desktop web Access ) famaly Terminal services web Access (Ts web Access ), enable users to access Remote App and Desktop connection through the start mena on a computer that is running windows 7 or throught a web browser. Remote App and Desktop connection provide a customised view of Remote App programs and virtual desktop to users.

Additionally, RD web Access include Remote Desktop web connection. Which enables users to connect remotely to the desktop of any computer where they have Remote Desktop access.


Install RDS

Open Internet Explore

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